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AHIMA's HIM Body of Knowledge™ provides resources and tools to advance health information professional practice and standards for the delivery of quality healthcare. Anchored by AHIMA-owned content and complemented by government resources and links to external web sites, the Body of Knowledge encompasses the theory and practice of health information management, and enables HIM professionals to access quickly and easily information needed to be successful.

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Coding, Classification & Reimbursement
Resources on topics such as coding, classification systems, revenue management and compliance, reimbursement
Resources on topics such as data privacy and security, confidentiality, release of information, HIPAA and HITECH privacy and security regulations
Information Governance & Standards
Resources on topics such as e-discovery, meaningful use, health record content and documentation, enterprise information management, regulatory requirements, data standards
Health Information Technologies & Processes
Resources on topics such as electronic health records, health information exchange, clinical documentation improvement, data stewardship, patient identity management, disaster planning, data quality, information integrity

Resources on topics such as healthcare analytics, clinical decision support, business intelligence, clinical terminologies
Healthcare Leadership & Innovation

Resources on topics such as change management, productivity, performance improvement, staff training and development, strategic and organizational management, financial planning, project and contract management
Consumer Engagement & Personal Health Information

Resources on topics such as personal health records, patient portals, patient rights, personal health monitoring, coordination of care
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